Archive for the ‘Watersports, Boating, Sailing’ Category

Spontaneous Activities!

April 30, 2008

The construction crew takes a break to have some fun. It’s also a good time to see how our sim performance is doing with our conservative efforts on prims and scripts. Bolero Group loves their vehicles and pets! This puts much load on a sim, especially multiple avatars with vehicles or pets in numbers.

Although border crossings in SL are still often brutal to the point of crashing, we’re still able to race around the four sims on the roads and water canals.

Dancing at the Bull Pen after jetskiing


Johnnie in his 1 horsepower buggy! Elisabethh is driving buggy on left



Cindy as B&W dolphin avatar taking group out for dolphin rides with her zany scripted dolphin pod



Sailing with Johnnie!

March 15, 2008

Captain Johnnie Snook is our resident yachtsman who competes regularly in Secondlife sailing races. If you get a chance to crew for him, its quite a ride! He has collection of some of the finest and fastest sailing boats in SL. He’s always up for a cruise or racing practice.

Johnnie and Moto with Beverly and Lisamarie at Vella Rezz area

At anchor taking break and checking out nice waterfall

Moto got lost, Johhnie finds him with seaplane

Johnnie with crew at practice


Sunset Sailing photo by Theend